Monday, February 28, 2011

Pokemon Roms In Cydia

Why is everything always all at once?

The school will stress again soon. I'm in two weeks "YA in Italy (one week) and then I write Latin Fridays, the following Monday and Tuesday, the German Working directly math How am I going so please review all work well? That there is always the teachers but also so no matter whether you scheibt three works at once. Each year, always the same annoying, simple! And after the work-week, I also write a chemistry test! For Latin I have to learn again for days, yay. __. for German can be, in my opinion, do not learn so much - we probably write a discussion of yeeey -.- and math I have to learn again soo much. In any case moves on to the Pythagorean theorem, which I fortunately do not find that difficult. But it is certainly something to it Heavy! : X In March so I need lots of luck and Can!


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