Friday, September 4, 2009

Masterbation Lubricants Males

Poor students cost money

Haha, a study that actually finds something to which everyone is already encountered in their own school days: screening out the bad student, seat Bleiber not really get what and also very expensive! * peep * * peep and more *

Klaus Klemm such in his study worked out. [Why are actually the faces of professors never be photographed in? - Are all politicians pretty]

If one now takes up the thread and continue to spin, then should one say that if teachers (and I take time high school teachers like to do) to convey sufficient not their students that this is really the money goes. The better our students are - and we consequently at times that it is, is not only the tuition - the less they cost. I find that this almost operational dimension is correct fascinating: No matter what content and educational objectives to be reassured that the better the students are less cost. So basically you have to ensure only that students are better ... or the teachers ... or abolish the seat stay ... or the screening ...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How To Make A Uhf Transformer

Five Minds for the Future About

Especially me, psychology is now in July in the fingers and there it goes according to title page, including the topic of 'Education': "The five competencies for the future." Then I open the page and I laughed the title "Knowledge Quintet: Five Intelligences for the 21st Century" against. The teaser is then: "The intelligence researcher Howard Gardner calls for five key competencies." Yeah and the little book by Gardner to the then relates the article is, consequently, "Five Minds for the Future." If I (cherish now without deeper ulterior motives) to just google, then I come easily to the Wikipedia entry " Theory of Mind " and there is then:

The term Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to make psychology and other cognitive sciences, the ability to adoption of conscious processes in other people to think so in others feelings, needs, intentions, expectations and opinions.
Other names: naive theory or mentalization.
Peter Fonagy, a psychoanalytic researchers defined the concept of mentalization as follows: Mentalization is the "ability to own behavior or the behavior of other people to interpret through attribution of mental states." For the term, there are no uniform German equivalent.
AM Leslie sees the theory of mind as a mechanism of selective attention. If the presence of mental concepts that basis, the attention to the mental states of actors should be paid. Thus, these properties can be developed.
basis of the development of a theory of mind ability to distinguish between animate and inanimate is able to animate because only internal states are ascribed. Add to that the ability differentiate between mental and physical worlds. ... Another step for the development of a ToM is the recognition that actions can be directed others not only by their desires and intentions, but also on their beliefs. This distinction is relevant when someone else has an incorrect understanding of a situation. As long as a person has a "true" belief, there is no problem, and one can predict in accordance with their wishes, will act as they. be considered but if this is not a reality with the matching conviction, it must act in their misconception forecast. ... Children learn to distinguish between three and five years of a person's beliefs be included. Before that can not understand that subjective beliefs differ from reality and therefore can not take it into account in its action prediction.
The Theory of Mind is also developing as a key requirement to be able to metacognition, the ability to make cognitive processes to become the object of reflection.

thoughtfully Somehow this Wikipedia entry in this context, but he does not exactly used to illuminate the likely pre-scientific concept of 'Mind' at * gg *. But so be it, is still so interesting is the wiki entry or?

Back to the Psychology Today article. To read, we can "? Do we really need more education or just more qualifications, skills and (technical) knowledge, or all these terms mean basically the same thing?" And a little further: "Reliable answers as to what education should be in the future and the future, there is not." But Gardner is with his 5 Minds :

  • Disciplined thinking [= disciplined mind]
  • synthetic thinking [= synthesizing mind]
  • Creative Thinking [= creating mind]
  • Respectful thinking [= respectful mind]
  • ethical thinking [= ethical mind]

right here we are innocent of article-author Andreas Huber, the term 'Mind' as a 'thinking' prefixed. I then pull the same time the closing line: "Mind" = "think" = "key skills" = "intelligences" = "qualifications" = "(technical) knowledge" ... and then there is a reader in the article: "The five elements of Gardner's thinking and consciousness." Chakra ? Chakra !

I'm confused, what you can do all of those terms, so even if they probably think the same thing: We do what we do not have and put it in words like party programs.

In my heart of hearts believe I am still in the good in people, only about "skills" they should think not (yet), write and speak. The confused but only - right? * Gg *

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Shaun White Pro Model


who has already read a little about me knows that I use the term "competence" in education think (probably this applies to more disciplines) occupied for unfortunate and wrong. Why him for more than 40 years running after (and neither could explain something better or the people could give a better life) I will always be closed. Obviously, but he is loved by all dearly.

I just browse through again in the magazine Education (2009 / 5) and find such an attempt of a series beginning on "competence orientation in the discussion". The topic will be discussed for 40 years - I still know from my time in the upper level (reform) level of 1969. In the said article is thus under the subheading "competence as a core concept:

plays, the term" competence ", a fundamental role. It is based on educational standards, as adopted by the KMK (KMK) in 2003/2004 and currently being further developed for the upper leaves. The concept of competence represents a pragmatic turn in education debate because he would ultimately determine functional: is Made Who certain specific and complex requirements can tackle successfully. Thus in the central definition of Weinert: skills are "in individuals possess or can learn, cognitive abilities and skills to solve specific problems, and the related motivational [= targeted], volitional [= willing forming] and social [ = too oriented to the common values] willingness and ability to use the problem-solving in a variety of situations successfully and responsibly. "
The well-meaning remarks in brackets are mine.

Sodele ... Let's take a concrete example for us on the trail of the idiosyncratic Conceptualization of 'competence' come. Given a roadworthy car and four people of marriageable age, say 23 against clock in an average city. A person is standing in front the next morning to go to the driving test, let's call it A. A person had a little bad luck and just had to make in the last week, driving for 4 weeks, we call it B. The remaining two have to a valid driving license. Person C has drunk two beers, D person is sober and female, but has sprained his left foot. Now comes the big question (no, not "Who was Gretchen - that would be a question of education * gg *?): Who is allowed to drive? Or better, who is the Gang of Four (female? No, not again as an educational issue * gg *) for driving responsible (competent)? I had the example can still accumulate to a gay or transsexual fifth (fifth?), But then it would be closely become in the back and he (she?) Would have had to sit on someone's lap, that would be just too complicated now, all discriminatory and to filter out political implications of the story out in the classroom would have to insist that the metaphor would not be confused by the fifth wheel with the 5th Column ... but we leave this discourse back to the question: Who goes?


After all four! * Gg *

Why? Well, because they all eventually all the skills and ability to drive a car, have learned. And according to his own definition, it's competence. Klickert it now, that this notion of competence is not too far? Clear from the perspective of driving instructors already. Who deserve it and that's ok too. But from the perspective of society (justice, new car dealers, psychological services, parents, children, politicians, neighbors, pub owners, employers, etc.) this is good concept of competence is not much. Also not for us, we should now in the shoes of the judge Adzak: infection (Chalk Circle Brecht ... Education * gg *): If we would be responsible for driving (competent) to explain? Or rather, whom do we give the power to run the car or to go?

Herrlich - how fast becoming the new concept of substance and usefulness, but completely beyond the education ... Perhaps we should now take up new words ... Education seen as potential competence. If I were responsible for the conceptualization of pedagogy (competent), then I would prefer not there, however, entirely on the concept ... or if we have the following (since the discussion about 1969) brought any further - so I mean, if one looks at today's educational landscape, the teachers, which has learned from this paradigm itself, and most are still around today for these KK (small = small core competencies) makes ...

competencies of learners is a goal of learning
One overarching goal of the reorganization of secondary education is, learning to combine in one unit ... For integrated learning processes are necessary to communicate with the expertise of both human and socio-political powers. Human competence means in this context that the learner is of itself as a responsible person is aware that he gave his life plan in which fellow human beings independently and take its place in the family, related to society and the state is able to determine correctly. Content and forms of learning need to help prepare the children for their life situation in the private, professional and public sector so that it reaches a reflective act.

German Education - Recommendations of the Education Commission: The reorganization of secondary education, Bonn 1974