The need me The Beach to see again, was born in a conversation with my colleague Genzel, in which we determined that both of us Danny Boyle's latest film would appeal to 127 Hours . But Mr. Genzel was concerned, just because it is a film by Danny Boyle and Boyle may not be relied on when it comes to bringing a story to liquid over. So we go through movies Boyles, note that we calculated his alleged masterpiece Slumdog Millionaire never interested, and that we can not agree on all films to his theory.
So The Beach . A much maligned film I did back then in the cinema and could not understand was why so beaten into him. For his two main actors, Danny Boyle and Leonardo DiCaprio, it was almost "The film then. Boyle had previously done with Trainspotting a name (the successor A Life Less Ordinary is stuck a little) and had to critique plug it to deliver after such a clever, oblique and independent film so smooth Hollywood production. And DiCaprio - now he was just in this film with the ship. (The two films that came between Titanic and The Beach - the small and very good Marvin's Room and the larger, more formidable The Man in the Iron Mask received very little attention at the former, unfortunately, at the second. Thank God). Although he had previously been regarded as a great (and ocscarnominierter) actor, who was ahead of them if his young age and infinite talent nothing but a golden future, he had at that time already drawn so much envy, that he is on an annual simply could not do it right. But is The Beach without this, independent points of the film is not without its problems.
The first hour is strong. Visually and narratively. Boyle waived entirely on gimmicks, but tells a straightforward story and meets all his points. The need of dropping out, the prisoners and overcharge being in the Western consumer society, the loathing of the normal mass tourism and the search for something real, for paradise.
Richard (DiCaprio) learns both French Francoise (Virginie Ledoyen) and Etienne (Guillaume Canet) to know, and the crazy Daffy (Richard Carlyle), the beach told him of this secret, the paradise on earth. He gives Richard a map that will lead him there, whereupon Richard packed up his new French friends and they make their way. Here too, everything fits - the tedious way, the heat, the filth, the flies, the prickly underbrush. All of this, the three through because they were expecting at the end of the path to heaven, and ultimately find it. A self-organized community drop most beautiful, cleanest beach on the planet, kept secret from the world and led by the Royal occurring Sal (Tilda Swinton). But luck does not last long and it breaks pretty slowly the madness.
Boyle's credit that he up to this point the spectators cheering on the enthusiasm grabs and with three outs travel with leaves that one until em the third act, when it all sinks in the dark, noted that it from the start was not so paradis manner. After all, slashes Daffy - which in itself was not quite right in the head - the veins on, after Richard passed the card. Richard invites Francoise and Etienne ride only one reason, firstly because he's afraid to be alone and secondly is to Francoise and they also constantly trying to tear open. The secret paradise is not easy on a hidden island, but surrounded by marijuana growers - That drug traffickers in arms, who regard the place as their own and submit to the community only as long as no new people are added. Doctors can not because of the mystery of the island, so a broken tooth just pulled out Sun Time and again, the community hungry for days because they simply do not catch any fish. Then the rice is still infested with a fungus and Richard must be the mainland to buy some food. In the likely meet for the first point of the film we will see how Richard opposite of all dropouts shopping list increases because they do things and need it in their paradise just not there - batteries, newspapers, tampons, medications, hair color, sugar, .. ...
It's Danny Boyle and John Hodge's authors and Alex Garland (who wrote the original novel) about the man and his idea of paradise. Therefore, breaking the harm were on all fronts. On the one hand, man-made (Richard has passed the card to surf stupid tourists who want to now on the island and thus endanger the beach) and on the other hand, by the force of nature (shark attack), have underestimated the drop-easy. How the community reacts to these extreme situations (the injured be outsourced in the forest to the good mood not to spoil), which shows price, you pay for paradise is.
And at that point where it starts and out of nowhere with his visual tricks, escapes Boyle, the film actually. Richard will be banished to the forest to watch the surf to scare away tourists and where appropriate, and is mistaken here. He sees himself alternately in a computer game (will probably allude to the man-made world on the stand, they play life quasi) or Apocalypse Now (hm, that jungle, people who are crazy in the wild, people who have the Paradise destroy human abyss, The Horror, The Horror - all clear, but what to do with war dropouts -.? not so clear), and places for any reason with the marijuana growers in (I think because it is boring). We do not know how long it there running around and fever, especially since we later learn that he is always always returned to the camp, but has held only by the others away - or what? Anyhow, The Beach here completely out of step
course you can say, it falls apart everything on film, because even at the beach all falls apart -. But Boyle returns for the final back to a conventional narrative form is back, and also to Richard once again clear in my head. recorded on the credit side we make at this point that the film is the point he wants to do, of course. However, he has done before him in the scenes with the shopping list and quarantine in the forest and in a strong sequence in returning to the mainland, at the same time he captures the arrogance of this drop but also the reasons for their flight, much better.
It is fully in place as a spectator thrown out of history, even if intellectually they have still somehow makes sense.
A real mess is the end then stop. The beach is not there anymore, everything is in the violence broken. Yet Richard is sitting in front of a photo of beautiful beach days and a philosophy about that paradise exists whenever you're part of something special. This may be a nice idea, but unfortunately was Richard looking back on the beach not to leave, but would have something fundamental about human nature are to learn. But it is the whole movie not a true hit and not necessarily characterized by wise decisions and foresight. Because in the end it was forced, without emotion, ignorance, arrogance and superficiality, which created the beach and held together.
A good and interesting film by Danny Boyle, then, which also fails in the passages where he has enough ideas to think about and talk.
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