was just the education summit was postponed by six months and provides concrete solutions do not exist. One wonders how many education summit are still needed to be achieved by explicit results for education. Use the Blog Action in Education More Blogs "I want to create more awareness of the issue. Join The
is simple: Every blogger is invited to write a blog on the subject and the action. As a suggestion I have formulated five questions can be answered: first
What do you remember when you think back to your school?
second What media have you learned in class and even used?
third What opportunities do you see to improve teacher training?
4th What do you think about it, blogs, wikis, podcasts, etc. to use in the classroom?
5th Online services can complement the traditional sense or even a substitute for tuition?
This I did on the website of Literatenmelu found, whether it is their blog?
Education Summit are not required to make in the education of other things. Who is waiting for something, you lose time to do something. I also think that blogs have no influence on education and education summit.
course, each is free to still write something nice on the subject in his blog. And I also like to answer the key questions.
first My memories begin in kindergarten when it comes to the issue of education. I found the work of the Sisters of interest and can vividly remember handicrafts back. In my school days I can still remember the use of corporal Rohstock and other instruments. Also, because 40 children in a class fit and the teachers paid differently because they were told us that. Those who like me, the school books in a day or two to read, had 12 months to pursue other things, for it was taken stubborn page by page. Most got to the school books borrowed and benefited from the written down solutions of the students from previous years.
There was also something exotic subjects such as handicrafts, calligraphy, gardening. With 10 years ago I had my first girlfriend in the class, you had to kiss secretly in the schoolyard. There was Twist, Elvis, Mickey Mouse, rocker gangs who beat each other along two SW-television programs and moon landings. The neighbor's daughter got pregnant at 14 and a school friend had shared with two sisters in bed.
second As teaching media, I have appreciated the very science teaching materials. Otherwise I found interesting maps. In first grade I had a teacher who painted large A2 sheets with the alphabet itself, which hung throughout the school year to the class wall. We had lessons in computing building blocks and processing boards. In history class we watched movies more often. Later, slides were available in Biounterricht, fish and amphibians swam swam in their aquariums and a fetus in formaldehyde. Chemistry was totally practical: it was for each student a small laboratory. In the winter months could be welded into the school observatory, to the photo lab and in the work room. In normal hours the Chalkboard the (!) Medium was par excellence. There were also sometimes mimeographed worksheets. I probably have not seen 100 other media and experienced, like me but at the moment not bring myself to reactivate them in my memory.
third Teachers should, before they become teachers, do a normal teaching. Teachers should not be a real profession, but a temporary occupation. After 10 years of age should someone who teaches, so again something else to earn his living. - Most teachers I during had in school were either new entrants or had no teacher education. I never felt this as a problem, but more rewarding when they told of their non-teacher-time experiences.
4th Yes, of course, should we all, the Web, in the classroom use. Whether this instruction is better, I doubt it, but worse he is also determined not like this.
5th Of course, online services also support the tuition. Although I rather ask the question whether every hour of tutoring a failure of the school and the parents (not the school system or the student) does.
pity that none of the five questions a bit with the objectives and content to do the teaching or the school grades. I think that media really have no significant role in teaching design, except that they sometimes bring variety to the school day. For the methodology of teaching I would not be so often in my blog. I must not here anymore.
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