Thursday, December 3, 2009

Demo For Indian Chudidar Stitching

PowerPoint Karaoke

I've found a great article have PowerPoint in the Süddeutsche. Here is an excerpt:

is still as an uneasiness, a suspicion in this program to hide a secret, almost subversively working standardization body that shares every thought as long, short and flattened until it turns into a manageable number immediately soluble stock cubes transformed. There is now something like "Powerpoint Karaoke" that is, free improvisation of a lecture on an arbitrary scale image sequence. This karaoke is much more than a joke, that it is an attempt to possibly Fatal of "Power Point" to capture a playful, together with the associated "bullshit bingo" (Richard Grasshoff), which is full of "challenges" as "face the customer" and "can do attitude" just teeming Sun


"So it is," says each slide, if it is projected onto the screen, detached from time and space, with emphasis and importance of charged, as the Scripture itself never possessed - each and every viewer knows what he does not want to know: that the image that appears there on the white surface, the only possible place of his own store is. "Power Point can tell such stories inherent that the listeners and viewers is not an option that does not appear in the slide show, for real stopping "(Richard Grasshoff). The" Power Point "presentation is the only refuge of themselves, and the more of them are, the more complete, the resulting universal asylum of the "visions" of lives about which the entire industry of management consultants.


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