Thursday, December 3, 2009

Engagement Sms To Friend

education drive in German Lang - will not worry

Everyone talks about how important education is for Germany and what happened: A German publisher sue and win against university libraries, which provide their students books in digital form. So this is economic asset of a publisher and the copyright principle of the valve of education. do Instead of the German publishers together and think about how to produce books and media cost will be sued. Basically, you should finally ensure that book prices will be lifted in Germany.

principle but also confirmed the OLG Frankfurt, the newly created right of libraries to digitize their independently-owned printing works and recent publishing of any existing offers. Is also permitted, the derived files users to specially equipped electronic reading in the premises of the library to read to make available. Nevertheless, the rights of readers are now restricted crucial. The principle embodied in § 53 UrhG right of private copying for scientific purposes should not access here.

The decision has implications for the study and the scientific usefulness of digital texts. Scientific work with texts is crucial to understand way to make copies of the text to memorize and quote reliable to. The district court of Frankfurt had acknowledged this. The Higher Regional Court sentenced the user now to transcribe by hand - in an age of electronic media, the Internet and e-science which is a Anachronism. The real meaning of § 52b, also to make scientific texts digitally in a modern, long course in the university environment become form available, is provided on the head.

more details you can read here and here. Can anyone explain the connection between book prices and Copyright: An interim

question from a fellow forum? Somehow not quite figure it out.

The book prices privilege is hereby established:

aims Officially, the book prices on maintaining the diversity of opinion in the German book market. Plays the Role of the book as a vital cultural role. Under these assumptions, the intervention in the market system, which the book prices is to a purchase made to go even if this means lost economic potential for all stakeholders in the value chain.

The idea is thus to protect books as a cultural and especially publishers are therefore a privilege. On the other hand, we all want as a national goal that whoever it may also, easy access to education and information is replaced. That this also includes students, is certainly undeniable. If, due to the contemporary work with books (in digital form) in a University Library Publishing is curtailed, then the counter-productive to the idea of subsidized cultural heritage. Publishers should, because they are privileged, even in principle, make their contribution to the educational mission and that too, so if the business objectives of the society would be temporarily subordinate. If you are not prepared, then the question arises whether or not we should lift the privilege.

that the usage restrictions are almost always justified by the copyright be is rather marginal. The question was raised but often very practical in a different context. Writes a paid from state funds Professor / Scientist a book (and set all ready), will this now and can publish only do on special publishers, because otherwise the reputation (peer-review process) is missing. This is also a kind of monopoly. That has however now developed a process - Open Access - is dependent not seen so much of the publishers. It spearheaded the lawsuit here in a rather small the Holtzbrinck Publishing Group so to speak, at the urging of the Association of German Book Trade has sued on behalf, is also interesting, because here you tried the David vs.. Goliath effect to use style.

Is now the argument has become a little clearer, what is it really? This is an extortion attempt by publishers to the the State and the university system (teaching). Similar to the pharmacy / pharmaceutical industry in Germany increasingly larger pots calls, although in other countries so it is a different way and Forschungsnotstände conjures, it trying to stop publishers also to get a bigger piece of state pots. This attitude can be indeed classified as a market economy, but please without privileges. As the university libraries did not have sufficient resources, and actually in the right feel, see this issue differently, it will first be played again on the backs of students = digital jobs are taken out of service ...


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