Thursday, July 1, 2010

Electric Tricycle For Sale


Does anyone know the movie 'The Manchurian Candidate ? It is about political manipulation. A very daring and almost hard to believe story, but is perhaps always been like that or something like that ... The following has nothing to do, it will only show that the human imagination sometimes not enough, so imagine something.

Suppose a Mr. X would be a lot of governmental and political organizations have been infiltrated, for example, the Staff of the German Bundestag, who could then truly say exactly whether the result of a secret and free election, as the election of the President, not is manipulated. Observers were surely not desirable, was but rejected the request. How much could

can, therefore, manipulation of the results on the political spectrum. Who Benefits? do you suppose would pull off before the summer break, the political institutions of a policy-show the first order and do show that you could allow all stakeholders. Just as one could put already the community through crises in recent years under pressure. Now pull even at the local level, a show to show to the last, where the power is and how it can be used ...

Let us speculate once. Suppose the last federal president had been forced to resign. would assume leadership of the CDU they slipped that one in a weakening of the CDU leadership hopes gone so Hessen, NRW away, Niedersachsen away and also a pale President wants, it would be worked out as it is now. To keep the opposition even on the guide band, we find a candidate who has no credible chance of getting through together as an alternative and get a good press, so the people can identify with. Nothing is so so good in Germany as a 'right-creating' Underdog (Big Brother, American Idol Beat Your Host is thanks for that). And thankfully the media take this fact to ...

Now all you need is a good script for the day X. First shows what all would be possible: 1 Ballot with the principle of open-ended outcome. That's always good, because that can later develop a variety of fiction and is pretty templates for "what if" game. Also, two further manipulation mechanisms steers effective and therefore on the overall manipulation from: The dissenters see the 'free' and 'secret' option dramatically to (is it suggests that it is free and secret elections is) and the principle of 'hope' to a non-hopeless candidates, and the lesson legend lead to mental hygiene. As long as one can demonstrate the supposed rulers that they 'fear' before the little voice must, so long so is our democracy in order, and hardly anyone thinks of manipulation. Even if the candidates and some others by the looks, they already know about the result and actually play the game with, for example with beaten faces. The first act is thus the symbolic confrontation with the ruling parties.

In the second act, the opposition will become the focus. Can they free themselves from the initial weakness and organize a different outcome? It quickly becomes clear that they will not move (!) But rather entblöden communicative with specious arguments. The pleasure seems to cause embarrassment, seems to be merit enough.

In the third Act is clearly having a little side note that the manipulation is carried out fully, it is aimed at the 'absolute' majority. The presentation of this variant is to show the degree of penetration of the manipulators. This disinformation (distraction) is to prevent that obscure borderline discussions, that the manipulation is all-encompassing and complete.

What is the result?

A demonstration of an election staged at its best. With the underlying reference that can be repeated at any time.

A clarification of the real power. All political parties and public organizations have been in good control.

The question remains open Who is Mr. X? The Manchurian Candidate, it was the mother of love. And another question remains open: What does a politician who sees through the game, that he continues to play along? But those are just eh Hingespinste and nightmares ...

who again want to take a look at the writer can do that here .


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