Friday, January 22, 2010

Different Between Deluge And Sprinklers


Well then. The new Vampire Weekend. Still a lot of different rhythms and pop melodies still hiding underneath. "Horchata" is this time of the upper ear candy. So typical Vampire Weekend, though a little trickier composed, yet playful in his sounds and not as obvious as the debut (that was not necessarily so obviously yes). But to say that most of the songs are typical Vampire Weekend also means that they already have their own sound, one can recognize on the second album. Not a bad reputation I would say.
I like some songs but the best that sound the least like Vampire Weekend, on which they take with their clever sound, melody and arrangement-back games, "Run" for example. Or shut down, kept very simple and almost classic "Taxi Cab". And schnürlgrade "Giving up the gun". With rock guitars! The last two songs need a little more. But so is the whole album to my ears. The invention unfolds and only gradually, with repeated listening.
"Another visitor ... stay a while ... stay forever! "


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