The Angelika is a plant of the North - she loves the rough, wet and wild climate of Scandinavia, Iceland and Greenland. Millaway the oldest traditions of the plant from these regions. In Scandinavia, their name kvan. On the Faroe Islands it grows wild in the bird colonies. Later it was also planted in gardens and in some areas it was especially cherished for her gardens and well kept. Already thousands of years ago it was valued as a medicinal plant and vegetable exceedingly. It was trading at Scandinavian markets and even exported to tropical countries. Even laws protected the Angelika. So she was allowed to Iceland not to a foreign land be excavated and elsewhere were the people who had cultivated a garden and Angelika leased, that take in a parade. On the Faroe Islands there are of its own name for Angela Garden, Angelika theft, Angelika thief or for places where the Angelika is growing. The flaps look at the angelica is one of the most important creations of the earth and used it seems for a love spell.

As a food, all plant parts are edible. The Faroe Islands, Iceland and Norway still eat the boiled roots, young stems and petioles raw in salads or cooked as Vegetables. In Lapland, the umbels are prepared together with reindeer milk to a kind of cheese. According to tradition, the Vikings brought in the 10th century, the Angelika to Central Europe. There she was first cultivated by the monks in the monastery gardens, and soon it grew in every cottage garden. Today we find them here, especially in the low mountains and canyons of the higher mountains. Much more often we meet our local Angelika, the wild angelica, most commonly found on moist meadows, river banks and in forests. However, this applied to medical purposes, far less.

Around the 14th Century the first genuine angelica Plays in the Central European pharmacopoeias mentioned. It was considered one of the most important medicinal plants against infectious diseases and many medicines and elixirs of life were made of her, especially from the root. As noted in its Nordic homeland so their were also attributed to supernatural forces. According to legend, have shown a recovery in greatest need humans to plague an archangel, the angelica. In any case, it was considered one of the most important medicinal plant from the plague. Paracelsus also reported that he used the angelica with success against them. In order to protect themselves from infection, the doctors a piece of angelica root hung around the neck, from which it again and again Pieces bit off and chewed. At these times, she received the name of Angelica archangelica, which means the angelic archangelic or Archangel Root. The Faroe they used during the plague epidemic. A story from that area said that it was planted in large numbers in cemeteries after the plague was over.

And when we told them a close look at the plant itself from these inherent

the Angelika in full bloom and size, we have to wait three years. In the first year it forms a lying on the ground Rosette with large three-part leaves. It gathers its forces in the root, before the third year increases its towering stalks up and at the end of July and August, radiant, swarmed by bees umbels develop. By and by, followed by their lateral shoots, more flowers. In autumn when the seeds develop, their umbels often show in three different stages of development. If the one just bloomed fresh, the other up to be already mature seeds, and some are already fully mature and ready to germinate. After flowering, the plant will die and their seeds will produce new plants. The Angelika
appears with the number be connected to the three. Its leaves are divided into three parts, usually take three years to their flourishing, three Hüllblättchen cover her still not developed the very last flower and it shows in their inflorescence in three stages. The number three is an ancient sacred number its significance goes far back into pre-Christian times. She was the symbol of the Triune Goddess in her form of the young girl, mature woman and the old woman. Symbol of the three phases of the life of growth, death and rebirth. A trinity, which is inextricably linked. And perhaps we, the Angelika suggest we add the flow of life, the phases of becoming, to accept growth and decay. Your strength, so reported, accompanied protects in times of crisis and change and
From its comprehensive and powerful healing force as evidenced by the names that people gave her the medicine. So they will fear Wurz, breast Wurz, aerial root, poison root, tooth root, root stomach, nerves, happiness root, root magic, or love Wurz called. So we name the stomach Wurz their beneficial effect on digestion reveals. taken internally, it improves the metabolism of liver, gallbladder and pancreas, stimulates the appetite and aids digestion. It disinfects the intestinal flora, helps with bloating and fullness, and shows an analgesic effect gastro-intestinal cramps. As
breast Wurz and aerial root it acts on the bronchi, mucus dissolves and spasmodic cough and makes us breathe free. Gift Wurz called her because she poisons in the body and binds ausleitet. It is used for heavy metal poisoning, and support for nicotine and alcohol cessation. The name of tooth root, she received, as they may outwardly to a sore tooth, numbs the pain. As root it gives us love self-respect, self-love and charity. Also, it encourages the love and passion for life and increases the fertility and sexuality of women and men the name Woman Wurz they would also still deserves, since it Strengthens uterus, relaxes menstrual pain and promotes blood circulation. As anxiety Wurz it relaxes mind and soul, gives us serenity, internal security, determination and courage. Your name nerves suggests its invigorating effect. It strengthens require at weakness and stress and all the events and projects, strong nerves. Spell Wurz called her because she puts a magical protection around us and by so protects against unwanted magic human malice or other harmful forces. It sells not only the evil spirits, but also draws on the good. And if we all join forces once again realize that we understand for themselves how they got its name root luck.
place in our modern Western medicine, the Angelika analyzed so far due to their ingredients as used above all Wurz stomach and nerves of steel. but were also identified anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory agents that protect us from infection and diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia. It is also known its diuretic effect and sweat that purifies and detoxifies our body. These people know the healing powers of medicine also use this day, the plant is not only internally but also externally applied. As bath and ointment, it helps with nerve pain, rheumatism and gout. In the anthroposophic Medicine it is successfully used for lymphatic glands. Their Chinese and Siberian relatives are also present great recognition as a breast-pepper, root and root woman, and as a useful plant for rheumatism and joint pain and to strengthen the heart.
your energy efficiency and its magic power, however, can not determine their own agents. These are the forces of her being. To feel it, we should look at her form and record their spirit in us.
The Angelika is part of the carrot family. This includes more than 3,000 plant species, including also carrot, Meisterwurz, cumin and lovage. But also powerful and dangerous as the hemlock comrades are among them. If we want to reap the Angelika, we must be very careful, we could in fact be confused with it. Cautiously, we should be at harvest also because their sap contains furocoumarins that can cause irritation in contact with skin. Even if it is used internally, should be avoided during this time of sunlight exposure and intense UV radiation. Caution in pregnancy because it stimulates the uterus and can cause bleeding. The harvesting time of Angelika depends on what part of the plant we want to collect. The leaves and stalks are best harvested before flowering, the roots in autumn or spring, when their strength is greatest and their seeds at the time when they are fully mature.
The Angelika is drunk as a tea or taken as a tincture, applied as an ointment, or preparing a bath additive. It unfolds but also by its roots and fill with smoke by evaporation of the essential oils their healing powers. They, too, has always been an important part of life elixirs such as treacle, who was in the Middle Ages as a miracle and a cure. Even today it is in Sweden and Melissa Bitter Spirit is an essential ingredient. In addition, it gives the traditional monastic liqueurs such as Chartreuse and Benedictine its unique flavor. To prepare the tea is 1 teaspoon of the root with 1 cup of cold water poured over and heated to boiling. Allow to stand briefly still, then strain and drink sips.
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