made, starting about two young people which on Friday evening, the cabin fever, Fiehler. to have full run with the aim of the home they left the four walls around to control the first station the City Carré . far they were not. Already a few hundred meters before the front door they were already with a friendly "Hey, you fucking ticks !" greeted by a like-minded people. We exchanged a few words, bridging the first half an hour under the cloudy sky. M to be adopted and it was now back to the City Carré go. After they (the two teenagers ) there had filled their beer stock and incidentally acquired a bottle of mead , they strolled to the train station not far away . You searched for groups of like-minded people, which they did not. Some time they had to wait for an interesting exploration to obtain , d och eventually came an elderly man who introduced himself as "The Colorful," on the two to . It finally came into the conversation and the two young learned that a night in the drunk tank would cost € 416 t . Moreover, that one should in a drunken stupor non-shopping, as you might otherwise buy a Playboy Clock for about 650 €. The evening was similar with meaningful discussions, times people came, then she went back . When the two finally had taken the last train to his , they were again alone.
non However, they decided to go home but were still at places to which it the next day could not remember . Eventually, they were then again at home and the city could finally sleep.
The next morning began with a rather spartan breakfast. After a while, after his system back under control had, was also used again to alcoholic beverages. Against 17 clock did you then (this time the three of ) on the way to town to field with other anarchists to meet. Goal this evening was, according to reputable sources, listen to a visit to the bag factory to the group " MUTABOR . The two were last seen just before the teenage stage, after they lost sight of.
sources: brain / Image: Stasi